NeighborhooD EVENTS & NEWS
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Want to support neighborhood events?
A non-profit for the community run 100% by volunteers who are neighbors like you!
"Where good neighbors become great friends!"
A member of the Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA).
Who is "RHNA?"
You might be wondering, who is RHNA (pronounced "Rah-Nah"), who are these people that put up contest signs during the holidays, who might leave flyers on your doorstep, or who might sit at a table at various city events in and around the neighborhood.
"RHNA" stands for Roseville Heights Neighborhood Association. We are a 100% volunteer group of people who live in the Roseville Heights neighborhood. We partner with the City of Roseville and other organizations in the area to improve the quality of life for residents in the neighborhood, build community, and strengthen the lines of communication between residents like yourself, your neighbors, and your city representatives.
Want to know what's happening or coming to the neighborhood? Attend one of our monthly general meetings to hear the latest.
Wish we had more community events at Weber Park or meetups at Fourscore? Get involved!
We want to hear from you. We'd love to meet you!
Calendar of upcoming Events and meetings
Thursday, February 20, 2025
6:30 pm - 8 pm
October 2024
2025 Board Elections
Roseville Heights Neighborhood Association is holding an election for your 2025 board members on October 23! Our nominees are listed to the right.
Each position is a non-paid, volunteer position that requires a one-year commitment. We appreciate our neighbors who volunteer their time and help serve the community. THANK YOU!
2024 Board Members
Samantha Shapiro
Secretary (incumbent)Lori Ennis
Treasurer (incumbent)Michael Bradford
President (new to this position)Beth Jenkins
Member at Large (incumbent)Kevin Lachance
Vice President (incumbent)Will Rogers
Member at Large (new to this position)We have one Member at Large position available.
2023 - 2025
ON APRIL 8, 2024
ON APRIL 8, 2024
January 2023: The City of Roseville, in partnership with Invest Health and Roseville Heights and Los Cerritos Neighborhood Associations, has declared Weber Park a priority!
April 2024: The Weber Park Renovation Project is about to break ground!
Currently, the schedule is to go to Council on April 3rd for contract award. With this approval, the contractor is planning to start construction on April 8th. Items affecting the public and staff with the commencement of work on the 8th are as follows:
The park will be closed to the public;
A construction fence will be installed around the park. There will be a construction gate, but it will be locked at the end of each workday;
Parking on the south side of Main Street along the park frontage (between Las Vegas Avenue and Atlas Street) will be prohibited;
The sidewalk on the south side of Main Street will be closed between Las Vegas Avenue and Atlas Ave. A pedestrian detour will direct them to cross Main Street at Las Vegas Avenue or Atlas Avenue (depending on which direction they are traveling), then use the north side of Main Street sidewalk. At either Las Vegas Avenue or Atlas Avenue, they can cross back over Main Street and continue on the south side sidewalk; and
Occasionally, Main Street will be closed with a detour provided for vehicle traffic based on the work being performed.
Updates are working on updates to our web page, which can be found at for periodic progress. Signs with a QR code to take people to the website will also be posted at the park.
City of Roseville
City of Roseville Electric Utility
Roseville Fire Fighters Union Local 1592
City of Roseville
Environmental Utilities
Our Next meeting WILL BE:
6 PM – 7:30 pm
February 26, 2025
at First Church
(109 Washington Blvd.)
General meetings are every fourth Wednesday of every month.